The Kinetic Art Asteroid

The Kinetic Art Asteroid is an electronic perpetual motion desk gadget featuring a spinning galaxy-like design on top of a base, demonstrating perpetual motion through an internal electronic mechanism...
The Kinetic Art Asteroid is an electronic perpetual motion desk toy designed to demonstrate the concept of perpetual motion in a visually engaging and entertaining way. It is a small desktop device that features a spinning galaxy-like design on top of a base.
The perpetual motion refers to a hypothetical machine that can operate indefinitely without an external energy source, continuously producing more energy than it consumes. However, perpetual motion machines violate the laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only converted from one form to another. As a result, the creation of a true perpetual motion machine is considered impossible according to our current understanding of physics.
The Kinetic Art Asteroid, like all perpetual motion toys, is not a real perpetual motion machine. Instead, it is an "electronic" perpetual motion toy, which means that it utilizes an internal electronic mechanism to keep the galaxy-like design in constant motion. This motion is sustained by an energy source, usually a battery (in this case, it requires a 9V battery), which powers the mechanism that keeps the top spinning. While the motion appears continuous and perpetual, it is, in fact, powered by the energy from the battery, and eventually, the energy will be depleted, causing the motion to stop unless the battery is replaced or recharged.